Saturday, July 18, 2015


1. Serial Killer- Lana Del Ray

2. Killer- The Ready Set

3. Secret- The Pierces

4. Creepy Music Box

5. Killer Queen- Queen

6. You're So Creepy- Ghost Town

7. American Beauty/American Psycho- Fall Out Boy

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Gross Gang

Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm sorry I have quit posting very much. I'm a terrible person!!!!! X"O The other thing I wanted to talk about, is my new Youtube channel. I share it with my bestie Sapphire and it's called The Gross Gang! It's AWESOME POSSUM!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I seriously can NOT wait for Summer!!!!!!! HURRY UP AND COME, SUMMER!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I am done with the stupid Temple tests!!!!!! I have to go every year to the school I home school through to take some tests to see what I've learned. I am SOOOOO excited to have that done and over with. =D BTW.... You guys HAVE to get onto Sapph's blog Intergalactic Space Lava . It's, like, AMAZEBALLS. Welp... I g2g to church..... BYESIES!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015


So, you all have a bunch if good memories with people you know or knew right? How about we all share those memories. I had forgotten until today about a few memories I have with a special friend of mine. It upset me because we used I be so close, but now we're not. So make sure to cherish your friends and family because we all come and go like everything else in this world. So anytime you are with your friends, remind yourself how lucky you are to be with them.

Monday, January 26, 2015


So, I'm just chillin' out on the computer when suddenly, A SPIDER CRAWLS ACROSS MY DESK!!!!!!!! So obviously I scream and jump on-top of my bed. Well, it's gone NOW, but... I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!!!!! So, I am going to make a presentation for my parents to show them why we need to move. :)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Best Friends

So, I'm gonna do a post about best friends. OK, ya'll? I just feel like it.

I don't really know what THAT was all about... I just randomly found that weird song...

OK. That last song is making me cry!!! I must goeth, but i will sees yous alls laters. :'(

I forgot to put Christmas songs on here....

LOL I totally forgot to put Christmas songs in my last post! Here they are!

Merry Late Christmas!!!

Heeeeeyooo! Merry late Christmas y'all! Sorry I haven't posted in so long. (The food post was supposed to be forever ago..) Antywhoser...... I was supposed to go roller skating with Sapph tomorrow, but she's been vomiting all morning..... so her mom called and said we'd have to go next week. :/ I hope she gets better! If anybody else is sick, just listen to these songs to make you feel better!

Hope you laughed!