Saturday, November 29, 2014

If people were animals...

lol I know I am using alot of sapph's ideas, but they're awesome go to to see the original's! It's pretty much just two opinions based on the same thing. :)
 Antywho, here they are!

Sapph (wild mustang)

Justice (black cat)

Jake (pug)

Derik (irish setter)

Sabrina (maine coon cat-mixed breed)

Lizzie (a peppy brown squirrel)

Zack ( short haired tabby cat)

Rose (bat)

C.J. (golden retriever)

Chase (german shephard)

Flash (black wolf)

Mission: Impossible

Hellodio! So I am OBSESSED in Mission: Impossible..... It's a problem. Antywhoser! Here are some random pictures. :)

This actually can be true.... in some instances! Well, usually you notice that first but when you do, you try and get to know their personality!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

So what have my people's been doing this fine Thanksgiving evening? Well, technically I'm writing this the next day since it's 2:33 a.m.  I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving! I.... sorta did.... Well, Mom woke me up at like 10:13 and said I had 2 hours to get ready and than we were going to my grandma's for lunch. So I am instantly miserable. I mean, nothing to my Grandma, but she crammed 20 of my family members in her tiny little living room and dining room. There is no one in my family that is my age, so I'm sitting there like,"Whatever." and then crack open my bag which has 20 comics and two books. No joke. I seriously carry around 20 comics and 2 books in my bag. not just for special times, but normally. Kills Mum...
  Antywhoser! so we stay there from 12 to like 6 or 7 something. So me, Mum, Dad, and Jess all watch a new movie on Vudu. It's called Live. Die. Repeat. and it's AWESOME! It's got Tom cruise in it too. ;)
  So, I got really inspired when Sapph did that thing where she had all of us in anime version, so I'm gonna do my friends and family. :)














That's all for now!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Random Things...

heeeeeyoooooo!!!! So I wanna put some cool vids and songs that I have randomly found. =^.^=

1. Look At Us by Sarina Paris

2. Jerry Lee Lewis setting a piano on fire while playing Great Balls of Fire (from the movie)

3. Anything You Can Do- a Soul Eater Cosplay

4.  Angel of Darkness

5. Zombie by The Cranberries (idk why, but my dad obsessed with this song)

Yeah.... it's one of those videos when you think,"Should I turn this off?" but it is so weird/creepy and strange that all you can do is stare at it with your mouth hanging open. Then when it's done, you're still staring until you blink then shake your head and even though you're alone, you say outloud,"Whoa. that was WEIRD."

well, byeeeeee!!!!!